Council plans for parking changes

The Council have now issued their ideas on double yellow lines, etc, and residents parking.

There is no news over the issue of the Swindon Road rat run – either speed limits or reverse the one way to make it less attractive as a short cut – or over the road signs previously agreed and then withdrawn by the Council for the narrow roads on our patch. We will continue to push the Council over these points, but for now here’s the good news.

The changes are

Cannon Street: 2 hour waiting with residents only

Dover Street: Residents parking opposite numbers 14-17

Eastcott Hill Street: Residents parking opposite numbers 4-23 and 42-46, with double yellows to allow traffic to pass

Eastcott Road: Residents parking opposite numbers 1-2

King William Street: Remove residents parking opposite numbers 18-19

North Street: Replace 2 hour parking with 1 hour outside ‘The Globe’

Prospect Hill: Residents parking opposite numbers 21-24, 46-48 and opposite 46-48, and convert 2 hour outside Beehive to residents parking:

Prospect Place: Residents parking opposite numbers 44-45

Swindon Road: Residents parking opposite numbers 25-29, 54-55 and opposite 25-26, then all 2 hours to residents only

Given the possible human error in transcribing these details please check these with Swindon Council Traffic Management if you have any queries.

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